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A Spinster's Guide to Regency Romance (2025)
HANGMAN (2023)
Next Best Thing! (2025)
About Us


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Pixel Poxet is a small, Bay Area-based indie studio founded by a couple of friends with a passion for creating games!


Our mission is to create games with heart across any genre with the goal of creating a fun, meaningful experience for every player.

The Team


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Keana Malolot (She/Her) - Co-Founder

Keana is a creative writer, game designer, and artist from the San Francisco Bay Area utilizing her passion for creating experiences players can lose themselves in.

With a background at Pixelberry Studios and Crazy Maple Studio, 4+ years of freelancing in the indie scene, and her BA in Game Design, she's hoping to put all her knowledge into founding and building Pixel Poxet from the ground up with her friends.

When she's not game-devmaxxing she's probably playing video games, D&D, reading fanfics, or finding other ways to waste away at the screen.

Althea Reiko Urbano (She/They) - Co-Founder

Based in the Central Coast, Reiko is a versatile engineer who knits in binary with skills in game design, art, and animation. Her involvement in establishing Pixel Poxet stemmed from the mutual passion of friends who shared the same desire to create memorable games.


She takes pride in utilizing her skills from various disciplines to produce a cohesive and compelling outcome. She is confident that the small team of Pixel Poxet will bring many satisfying and fun experiences.

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Wilder Escobedo (He/They) - Co-Founder

Stemming from central California and branching out in the silicon valley, Wilder is an enthusiastic engineer with skills in game design, art, and sound. Growing up building (and breaking) games, it was inevitable that they would end up continuing this trend into the game dev industry.


When they're not programming, you can find Wilder is playing d&d, riding around twisty back roads, or binge-watching tv shows.

Chaiyawat (Chai) Nunes (They/He)

Chai is a game designer, programmer, and primate enthusiast from the San Francisco Bay Area. When they were eleven, they found their passion for game development at a summer camp and solidified it when teaching at that same summer camp five years later. Their goal is to make games that reflect their personal experiences and passions in a way that will impact players forever.


Their love for game development extends into all aspects of the field, and they hope to apply their experience to make thoroughly fun and accessible games for everyone. They look forward to working with the team at Pixel Poxet to craft fun and memorable experiences.

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Cameron (Cam) Nelson (They/Them)

Cam is a musician and audio engineer born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. Growing up on punk rock and PC games, game audio seemed like an obvious path to explore. They have been writing, recording, and producing music since 2017 and will have obtained a bachelor’s in science for audio engineering in 2025.

They hope to bring their character-rich approach to music and sound design to the video game world with Pixel Poxet.

Elicia (Lici) Sarmiento (She/Her)

Lici is a digital and traditional artist based in the Bay Area who survives off of chocolate milk. She is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s in Arts, aiming to eventually get her Master’s to get a job in character design or storyboarding.


Balancing academic studies with a creative career, she takes on commissions that showcase her versatility and skill across various mediums and styles. She’s also involved in collaborative projects outside of school, working with friends to develop art for video games. She has a passion for artistic exploration and expression and she looks forward to creating engaging visual experiences for people to have fun and enjoy!

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Haseeb Zain (He/Him)

Haseeb Zain is an aspiring 2D/3D Artist, Concept Artist and Illustrator based in the Bay Area. Haseeb lived most of his life in Pakistan, and now brings that exotic perspective of South Asia to the game developing world!


After graduating with a degree in Game Art, Haseeb is now working on multiple, exciting passion-projects with friends and peers, mostly overseeing Art Production in many areas. Holding huge infatuation for good storytelling, culture and, of course, pretty art, Haseeb is excited to spread roots and ingrain into the crazy, diverse world of videogame art!

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